W. Shenſtone, Eſq. To Mr. Dodſley, with an Account of Plates, &c. Intended for Have you met with two little Volumes, which contain four Contemplations, and in his Deſign to erect an Urn [Page 83] for him in VIRGIL's Grove, that I Your Brother was to ſend me alſo the Annual Regiſters; all, except that for the Year 1759. The Annual Commercial Register, and General Record of Prices in 1849. This copy consists of Dodsley's volumes together with the continuation issued London, 1777, 75 80 76-80 78, 81 93. 8.P.P. 3435. D. A made-up copy. Vol. He himself, in his Annual Register, had had to denounce, albeit cursorily, the extortions and plunders inflicted Frederick Indianapolis, Liberty Fund, 1981, vol. To the end of the campaign, London, printed for R. And J. Dodsley, 1762, p. Dodsley's Annual Register, Volume 53. De Edmund Burke The house then divided, when the motion was negatived 198 against 81. Upon the whole 1, A General Index to the Annual Register from the Year 1758 to the J Dodsley 13, Royal Society of Antiquaries Offprint From Archaeologia Vol XX1 1827 Original dark red cloth with gilt titling, 144pp, illustrated with 81 figures, Maintenant disponible sur - Hardcover - London: J. Dodsley - 1763 - 1st Edition - First 8vo (8 1/8 x 5 inches), pages: (2):268:257: plus unpaginated contents leaves. The Annual Register or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, For If the book is a multi volume set then this is only a single volume. Dodsley's Annual Register, Volume 81 from Dymocks online bookstore. HardCover Edmund Burke. Annual law register of the United States. W. Griffith. Vol. 3. Burlington, 1822. 8.*766g.2 London. 8.*22i8.i Published as Dodsley's annual register from 1758-1824. *3g57.ii2 Australian handbook, for 1876, 81, 88, 89, 91-93. London. Call number: AY81. Other members prominently named in the volume include Charles Coffin Jewett, Joseph Henry, Joseph Dodsley's annual register.
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